We have succeeded in acquiring, diversifying and preserving our Clientele thanks to our services and our know-how recognized for many years. A rigorous and attentive approach to each need is always the starting point for the study of new files and allows us to apply the ROM “method”, which forms our DNA.
7 main principles thus form our DNA, real markers for each project and for our teams:
⇢ Analyze each parameter to assist our Clients in defining the right strategy and the right scope of actions for their projects.
⇢ Assist our clients in defining the strategy and feasibility of their project
⇢ Integrate the client’s position and, through our expertise, know how to defend his interests as if they were our own,
⇢ Maintain an objective of proximity to the file with strict respect for quality, planning, and budget,
⇢ Be available and attentive to all the interlocutors of a file (Customer, Suppliers, Lessees, etc.),
⇢ Ensure that everyone’s contractual commitments are respected, knowing how to identify and anticipate the actions to be taken,
⇢ Work sites are areas with many interactions and stakeholders: knowing how to preserve and maintain everyone’s safety.