Project display

CA CIB and ROM have jointly carried out, for several years, a common experience in the control, the renovation and the creation of value on assets presenting upsides or defensive positions to be exploited. Via Sciangai real estate complex is one of those real estate complexes whose design and execution must be mastered to perfection in order to be able to offer the market a coherent and contemporary asset. Starting almost from a blank page, ROM and JACOBS have designed and now run a project allowing

achieving modern results objectives at a controlled cost. Almost everything is restructured, all the technical bodies (HVAC, High Tension Current, etc…), architectural bodies and exterior spaces. The facades are preserved and completely restored. In particular, this approach made it possible to secure a leading Tenant in 2019 who will occupy the whole upon delivery, scheduled for 2021.


55, via Sciangai – Rome



Contracting authority


Adapt to the transalpine context

For this project, ROM works jointly with Italian teams (JACOBS, YARDS) in charge of the design and execution of the Project. ROM ensures that all services are carried out in compliance with the signed specifications, both with service providers, builders and the lessee.

Quality, Cost, Planning and risk aversion

Developing an asset of this type, at the time of COVID-19 restrictions, requires a strong capacity to adaptation but also careful risk control. Faced with an unprecedented situation, ROM is participating in the implementation of processes allowing the site to resume activity as well as the reduction of scheduling impacts, while minimizing the risk exposure for its Customer.